• Call Us : 352-764-7656
  • Email : david@homewatchhub.com


1. Call us at 352-764-7656 or e-mail us to discuss your needs.

2. We wil schedule a free evaluation visit at your home.A team member will meet with you to discuss your needs and assess your home, and explain  HWH comprehensive home watch service can help you ensure the integrity of your home.

3. HWH offers a comprehensive standard service plan with a complete range of service checks for one affordable monthly rate. All standard plans include twice monthly home checks. Check out our standard services.

Home Watch Hub goes beyond standard home watch services. HWH also offers popular, affordable Concierge Services in premium service packages (click here to learn more) that include home opening services, operational check of all major appliances, HVAC, power washing, setting up outdoor furniture, car startups, to make your return to your home relaxing and worry free. A more limited HWH plan offers you a special plan fora key holder service at an affordable monthly rate plus an hourly charge when utilized. This allows you to arrange for an array of in home services..painting, carpet cleaning, appliance delivery, etc.

All plans are based on monthly agreements, with a three month minimum. Standard pricing is based on homes ranging from 1000 sq. feet to 1800 Sq. Ft. One time premium home checks can be arranged. Payment is due one month in advance. We accept all major credit cards.

When your home is serviced by HWH we will keep you connected to your home. We use the latest GPS technology to track our visit record it in real time and provide you a written report. You will be alerted immediately to any serious problems which would threaten the security or integrity of your home. HWH has the ability to follow up to ensure the situation is corrected as needed. Should there be any sign of tampering with locks, windows or doors or evidence of home invasion both you and local authorities would be notified immediately.

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